西北师大魏伟副教授团队研究成果在遥感学科顶级期刊《Remote Sensing of Environment》发表


近日,我校地理与环境科学学院魏伟副教授团队在国际遥感科学领域顶级期刊《Remote Sensing of Environment》在线发表了题为“Temperature Vegetation Precipitation Dryness Index (TVPDI)-based dryness-wetness monitoring in China”的学术论文。


Fig. 1 Monthly variation in the TVPDI values for (a) 12 months, (b) 204 months, and (c) agricultural regions.

 Fig. 2. The spatial distribution of (a) the multiyear average TVPDI value (1 km×1 km), (b) TVPDICV (1 km×1 km), (c) TVPDIslope (1 km×1 km) and (d) TVPDIpercentage change (1 km×1 km). The TVPDICV and TVPDIslope value in the map is the result of the origin value multiplied by 100.



Wei Wei,Sufei Pang ,Xufeng Wang,Liang Zhou,Binbin Xie,Junju Zhou,Chuanhua Li. Temperature Vegetation Precipitation Dryness Index (TVPDI)-based dryness-wetness monitoring in China[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2020, 248:111957.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111957
